Rick “Dirty” Sanchez Ignores Facts, Spins Story

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In a desperate attempt to spin a story to his liking, Rick “Dirty” Sanchez (a man known for hitting Jeffrey Smuzinick with his car during a drunk driving accident and fleeing the scene, as well as publicly attacking Fox News for their lies) decided to ignore some very important facts regarding my detainment during his broadcast yesterday. However, even though his three-minute smear campaign against me was an honest and accurate report in his delusional mind, it’s too bad that others saw right through Sanchez’s gutter journalism report and have started calling him on it.

If you would like to voice your disgust at Rick Sanchez and his producer, Janelle Griffin, for spinning this story and running such a lopsided and biased segment (which intentionally and egregiously did not air Sheriff Gylfie’s lies, false claims, and threats), you can contact Janelle at (404) 827-1500. I’m sure she’ll appreciate your call, and make sure to ask her the following questions:

  • Why did you cut out Richard Gylfie saying, “It’s against MTA rules,” when photography is allowed on the Metro? More important, why did you include the entire beginning, but removed only this section of the video?
  • Why did you cut out Richard Gylfie threatening Shawn when he said, “You know what, I’ll just submit your name to ah…(chuckles)…T.L.O.”
  • Why did you cut out Richard Gylfie threatening Shawn when he said, “You’ll be on the FBI’s hit list. Is that what you want? That’s the direction you’re heading.”
  • Why did you cut out Richard Gylfie threatening Shawn when he said, “We’ll just put your name on the hit list, dude…that’s fine.”
  • Why did you cut out Richard Gylfie’s inaccurate claims about bombs being planted in the London subway bombings, when the explosions were caused by suicide bombers?
  • Why did you cut out Richard Gylfie’s inaccurate claims that photos were taken by the 7/7 terrorists prior to the attack being carried out when, in fact, photos were not taken? The four men involved in the attack did a trial run, which did not include taking photos.
  • Why did Rick claim in the segment that Shawn “is clearly out to provoke the officer, it seems, to try to make him look like a jerk” when that is absolutely not true? Do you have actual evidence to back up this claim?
  • Did Rick intentionally try to publicly smear Shawn by purposely leaving out very important facts involving his detainment?
  • Why did Janelle Griffin call Shawn on Wednesday morning to berate him, demand to know his attorneys’ names, and threatened to make him look bad on the show after he told her he was not going to participate?

Finally, if you’re going to call Janelle, make sure you do it during normal business hours, because as the producer of “Dirty” Sanchez’s show she apparently only checks her messages during that time.

6 Responses to “Rick “Dirty” Sanchez Ignores Facts, Spins Story”

  1. 1 Keith November 12, 2009 at 11:09 am

    At least when Jay Leno does an unfair edit news interview it is funny.

    This guy is just a stupid old jackass with a face full of make-up of Botox. He makes Billo the Clown and Rush Limbaugh look like rocket scientists.

    As for the drunk accident with the victim who later died, it is unfortunate that the State Department could not have shipped our friend Ricardo back home. Radio Havana might need a new disc jockey.

  2. 2 anoon November 12, 2009 at 4:17 pm

    Does anyone have the video?

  3. 4 Keith October 2, 2010 at 6:32 pm

    HA !

    The a-hole got fired yesterday.

    • 5 discarted October 2, 2010 at 6:42 pm

      Yes, that is definitely great news! Debating whether I should email his producer, Janelle Griffin, and tell her to enjoy the unemployment line.

      Last year, when I was supposed to go on Sanchez’s show, she told me over the phone that she was going to make me look bad because I decided to not do the interview.

  1. 1 Rick Sanchez Brings You “Unbelievable Television” « Trackback on August 24, 2010 at 6:56 pm

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